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"I am at One with Myself and at One with the World" 

Sierra Nevada Open Water 4 MS  


"Raising Multiple Sclerosis Awareness with Every Lake I Swim"

"I am at One with Myself and at One with the World".

Swimming is the place where I am free. Free from the physically and mentally challenging 

aspects of  living with Mulitple Sclerosis. Swimming is one of the few ablities and pleasures in life my MS has not robbed of me being able to enjoy. I look at swimming as my personal equalizer over my MS and over all those of able minds and bodies. Swimming is who I have become. 

It is what Drives Me, My Identity, My Vocation, My Purpose in Life.  


When I Swim -

      It is through Open Water Swimming 


Swimming Lakes throughout the Sierra Nevada Mountains - 


That aim in heightening much needed Multiple Sclerosis Awareness

 and in funding MS research and programs & services benefitting those living with

Multiple Sclerosis such as myself.  


When I Swim Foundation / Sierra Nevada Open Water 4MS


There are over 2.3 million people worldwide living with Multiple Sclerosis.

MS is a chronic and unpredictable disease of the Central Nervous System, often leaving  

individuals with MS disabled, out of work, and home bound. Funding research and quality of life programs and services will always be the focus of When I Swim Foundation.


The Future of When I Swim Foundation is in getting you and others involved and in the             water swimming lakes with me in the Sierra Nevada Mountains as we Raise MS Awareness 

and Funding in the hopes to one day find a cure.


Your Support and Following is key in the Success and the Future of When I Swim Foundation!


                                                  "Let's Make This Happen"   Dix 

Mission / The Future

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Richard Gardner (Dix)
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